Monday, August 11, 2008

Ladera Norte

I'm going to try a short term change of focus on the blog by logging my runs. My running goals for the last 2 years has been to lengthen my runs and finish a couple of hundreds, but no time goals. Now I'm going to try some shorter stuff, and going faster, so I feel like maybe I should start keeping track of what I do.

So I'll kick that off today.

Time: 7am
Place: Ladera Norte / Far West
Run: short hill run, 1 time up ladera norte, 1 time up far west. It uhrt because I hit them hard, but it was over quick. I had planned on two laps, but I waited around 20 minutes for 2 guys t oshow up but they stood me up. I needed to get to work, so I just ran one lap.

I felt pretty good after an easy weekend. No pains, although my legs felt heavy towards the end. I'm gonna do this every Monday, so hopefully it'll get faster.


Anonymous said...

i am starting to hit the hills hard, as well. probably went too hard this past monday because i am hurtin still. if you want some company shoot me a line. hope all is well!

Unknown said...

Hi! How difficult would it be to walk up ladera norte?

TJ said...

It depends on your fitness level. I suggest you park at the bottom of the hill and just go for it. Worst case is you just have to turn around and go back down, but I suspect you'll be able to walk it just fine.

If you park at the bottom, yo might find it's easier to walk the other way up Far West. It's longer, but slightly less steep. I like to mix both in when I go out there for a workout.

Good luck.